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Event :: Workshop with Fr Hugh Lagan, SMA - When It Is Darkest: Understanding suicide

 Workshop with Fr Hugh Lagan, SMA - When It Is Darkest: Understanding suicide

Suicide can affect anyone of us and despite the scale of devastation for individuals, family and friends, it is poorly understood. This workshop will seek to untangle the complex reasons behind suicide and dispel unhelpful myths. It will provide compassionate advice on how best to help someone who is vulnerable and support those struggling through the tragedy of suicide to find strength in the darkest of places. 

Fr Lagan is a priest with the Society of African Missions and a chartered clinical psychologist. He has led retreats and workshops internationally on psychological and spiritual well-being, positive change, trauma and resilience.

(Registration from 9am, first session 9.30am) 

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£ 43/€50

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